Social Network Analysis

1 min read

Twitter can provide a real sense of community. Is there a way to discovering patterns and sub groups in a community? It appears there is a branch of exploratory network analysis dedicated to analysing social networks. See Lada Adamic’s course.

Below are the notes and the references I used for visualising my twitter community.



A simple python program to generate a twitter user's network graph. The code is bad as it was written before I read David Beazley and Jeff Knupp's python books. Download it from GitHub.

The graph is rendered with d3.js force layout. It doesn't look good as it is difficult to get a large network force layout to align properly and reveal the groups/relationships.


  1. Lada Adamic’s course
  2. D3 Force Layout Mike Bostock
  3. How to make an interactive Network Visualization Jim Vallandingham
  4. VivaGraph WebGL library
SNA Social Network Analysis Twitter Network Graph